Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

Jul 24, 2007 09:49

Haven't read LJ since Friday evening. I'll be trying to catch up over the course of the day, but considering how much you people like to talk, I'm not sure how well that will work. :)

I haven't been reading LJ because #1, I was busy at work, and because #2, when I wasn't at work, I was trying to finish the Harry Potter book, and because #3, I didn't want to peek at my friendslist before I'd finished the book. :)

Now I have, and here are some initial thoughts...

Favorite moments:
* NEVILLE!!! (both when he first showed up to lead Harry into Hogwarts & when he charged Voldy & killed Nagini. I just KNEW that Neville would end up playing a major part in the final battle. :D)

* Mrs Weasley!!! ("Not my daughter, you BITCH!" Aaeeeiii!!! :D)

* The battle between McGonagall and Snape. (Oh, how I want to see that done (properly!) on screen...)

* Neville pulling the Griffindor sword out of the hat. :D

* McGonagall: "The time has come for Slytherin House to decide where their loyalties lie."

* Neville: "I'll join you when hell freezes over!"

* Trelawny chunking crystal balls at the Death Eaters.

* Kreacher leading the rest of the house elves into the battle.

* Fred/"Rapier", speaking of Voldy on the radio show: "The fact remains he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to..." (I literally laughed outloud at that one. The people on the train thought I was nuts.)

* EVERYONE showing back up to fight-- the old Quidditch team, former students, all the parents (and grandparents), the Order... Percy! :D

* Did I mention Neville?! :D

The scenes that broke my heart:
* Dobby's death and funeral. I think that one hurt me more than any of the other deaths, although I agree that Dobby wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

* The revelation of Tonks and Lupin lying beside Fred. (Why *both* of them. Now poor Teddy has to grow up without parents. *sniffle*)

* Harry's resigned walk through the Hogwarts grounds into the forest to meet Voldemort. That whole chapter, with him seeing the people that he loves but not speaking to them, then calling back his parents, Sirius, and Lupin back from the dead to keep him company as he walked to his own death. that's the chapter where I bawled like a baby.

There were one or two things that I have issues with... more from a writing standpoint than from a story standpoint, if that makes sense. (As in-- it's not really something I'd consider a plot hole or inconsistent characterization so much as it's that I don't think certain characters motivations at a couple of points were sufficient enough to justify their actions.) But overall, I'm happy with the resolution.

And it more or less turned out exactly like I expected it to... I didn't know the details, but the overall picture is what I expected. :)

books, harry potter

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