Just finished watching the latest episode of Heroes.
I'm still sort of in OMGWTF!!! mode, but I'll try to be coherent. This is mostly stream-of-consciousness, though.
In case anyone cares: Here there be spoilers. (lots of babbling inside. I mean LOTS. You have been warned.)
OMG!OMG!OMG! Eden! Peter! Claire! (not so)Mute Haitian dude!
There was so much happening in this episode. I knew from the preview I heard on the radio that one of the characters was going to die. Or rather, was going to be "lost forever". My money was on someone in the D.L./Nikki(Jessica) pair (trio?) or the Issac/Simone/Peter triad.. although I was worried about Matt's longevity, too. Then, as the episode started, I wondered if maybe it would by Sylar that died-- because there was something even MORE evil that came along. So, in other words, I had no clue who might bite it.
I reallyreallyreally wasn't expecting it to be Eden, though. (And for the record, I keep wanting to call her Eve, so if I say "Eve", that's who I'm talking about...) And not in the way it happened. I'm GLAD that Eden managed to thwart Sylar's plan, because Sylar with Eden's power is just terrifying, but I'm sad that she had to off herself in order to do it. She had to have been all kinds of stupid to walk into that room without having the Haitian nearby, though. I mean, I applaud her desire to put things right concerning Isaac, Mohinder, and Chandra, but she was one of the few people who should have *known* how powerful Sylar was. I guess maybe she was counting on her own power being greater than his. Speaking of which, though, why wasn't it? She did tell him what he was going to do, and he ignored her and used his own power. Does it take a couple of repetitions for Eden's power to take hold? I vaguely remember her telling Matt a couple of different times that he wanted to go eat donuts before he actually did, so maybe it's not an instantaneous thing... and if that's the case, then she was definitely all kinds of stupid to go in there without the Haitian.
And then there's Sylar. As we learned in last week's episode, his "power" was the ability to see what was wrong with something. I'm assuming that that means that he can "see" the mutation in the heroes' DNA. Why didn't he realize that Jackie wasn't the cheerleader he wanted, then? And if that was his initial power, then how did he discover how to take others' powers? We've seen a couple of different people that he's killed, and I know they've all had the top of their heads removed, but I don't remember if there was anything else odd about the corpses-- were they all still intact other than the detatched top-of-head? I mean, were their brains still in place? Does his absorption of the others' powers require that he take it literally from their brains? Charlie wasn't missing for very long before they discovered her, so this has to be something that he does *fast*. And if I remember correctly, he makes the cuts scalpel-sharp with only his mind. Was this a power that he picked up from one of his first victims or something he came with?
Peter. I don't want Peter to essplode!!! I *like* Peter. I like Peter a whole helluva lot more than I do Nathan. I was actually starting to like and understand Nathan a little more and then he turned back into asshole!Brother with no redeeming qualities again. Hello, Nathan... you can FLY! There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You may not want anyone to know about it, but you can't deny that it happened. So why is it so hard for you to believe that your brother has some sort of ability as well? I understand that you want "normal", but at this point you're alienating the one person that you need in your life. Anyway... back to Peter. I saw mention somewhere about the fact that he seemed to be suffering from radiation sickness. Which would explain the boom, of course, but begs the question of "Why?!" What happened to radiation-boy that Matt and Claire Duvall's character were interrogating? It's logical to assume that Peter was picking up on his powers, since it deals with radiation. Was it a matter of Peter getting the full-force of the power all at once instead of gradually? Peter's absorbed powers don't stay with him, though, right? I mean, he can only use the powers for a short period of time after exposure to the other hero, right? So that should mean that he'll get better after he's away from Radiation Man.
The other things I'm curious about concerning Peter and his dream of the future:
- Why was Simone there? Does this mean that she's got a power we don't know about yet?
- Mohinder was there. Thus far, we don't know about an actual ability that he has, correct?
- Nikki/Jessica, D.L., and Micah were all there. Nikki/Jessica gets out of jail?
- Mohinder was happy to see Peter when he hopped out of the cab, but then seemed to notice something unusual and ran away. Matt seemed to be afraid of him, pulling the cop "Stay where you are" move with his hand on his gun and trying to get Nikki and crew away from him. Claire also looks at him like he's *holding* something that's dangerous. Simone is running *to* him, instead of away, but Issac holds her back. Hiro and Ando are just standing in place watching with what loks like "there's nothing we can do" face. Nathan is the one that confuses me the most, though. He has no emotion whatsoever on his face. He walks out of the building and directly towards Peter with no apparent concern.
- When Peter "falls" at the beginning of the future/dream sequence, he lands with his arm in front of him, and he's wearing a watch. Square face (it's 7:35, incidentally ;) ) nice-looking watch. I keep thinking that it's important. We see Nathan checking his watch just before they leave the police station, and I want to say that it's been a recurring action for him, although I'd have to go back and watch episodes again to confirm that.
- When Peter had his prophetic dreams before, was he an uninvolved outsider watching things happen, or was he an active participant in the dream? I keep thinking back to the dream he had about Nathan's car accident, and I want to say that Peter *was* Nathan in the dream. Which means that Peter may not be Peter in this latest dream, right? Maybe he's Radioactive Man... or maybe he's Sylar who's caught up with Radiation Man and stolen his powers.
I just don't want Peter to 'splode.
Claire. Can we possibly feel any more sorry for her? She's lost the only friend that she really trusted, and now she finds out that her father's not quite as Good Guy (tm) as she thought he was. I truly believe that he feels like he's protecting Claire, but YIKES!!!
And then there's Haitian guy. We've never seen him speak, and from Eden's comment in this episode, it's assumed that everyone who knows him thinks that he *can't* speak. Surprise! So my question about him is whether his power is controllable or not. I mean, is he like a walking anti-power field, or does he consciously put up a barrier between a person and their power? He can obviously affect things just by being in the vicinity, and not with the stipulation that he has to be in line-of-sight of whomever he's affecting. Would getting him together with Peter help Peter not explode? 'Cause I'm still stuck on that not-wanting-Peter-to-become-rat-jam thing. Oh, and my other question about him: What the hell's his agenda?
Matt. I adore Matt. Really. And I don't think it's just because he's a cop, but there's a very good chance that his chosen profession plays a role in my attraction. I love the interaction between him and the FBI agent whose name I can't remember. And while I loved her comment about "keeping it in the canine family", I wish she'd *just* said that, and not actually said the line before it. I just like that delivery better.
"All male cops are dogs. It just attracts that personality." (paraphrased)
"Oh, really? And female cops?"
"Let's just say we keep it int he canine family."
*nod* I like that better.
I really need to go home now.
You people should be glad that I didn't have a chance to start babbling about Torchwood when I watched it yesterday. 'Cause I'm still stuck on the possiblities of a list of the 50 best ways to use a stopwatch.
I also seriously need icons from Torchwood and Heroes.