(no subject)

Dec 30, 2005 23:06

More pictures, but these are old family photos, so they're probably only of interest to me. :)
There are pics of my mom and dad, my grandparents, my great grandfather, and several aunts and uncles. Oh... and me. :)

My mom, my stepdad, and me... somewhere around summer of 1975, when "we got married".

Christmas 1976, I believe (possibly 1975 or 1977). We were in Mainz, West Germany.

My Dad's parents: Annie Alleen Anderson and Willie Jordan... known to me as Mawmaw and Pawpaw. I believe this is taken in front of their house that they moved into while we were in Germany or soon thereafter... it's the house that I always think of as Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house.

My other grandparents... Deli Volrath and Grandpa Robinson. I think my Granmother's maiden name was Volrath, anyway. She married my mom's dad, who was a Robinson (can't remember his first name at the moment) and then her second husband's last name was Love. This one was taken June, 1956, most likely somewhere along the Florida panhandle beaches.

This is my dad's brother, Jack, and his wife Jean. Taken at the same time as the above picture of my Paternal Grandparents.

Mawmaw and me. Sometime in 1974. I was 2 years old.

Sandra Lee Robinson, my mom. This is her senior portrait from 1967/68, I believe.

My mom and dad... both were somewhere around the age of 20 at the time. If you ever wondered where my insanity came from... :)

Some of my mom's family... my aunt Janette, my Grandmother, my mom, and my Great-Grandad, whose name I have no clue of at the moment. Taken in July of 1961.

May 1961, my grandmother Deli Robinson (or maybe she was Deli Love at this point...)

Incidentally, my middle name (Deleen) is the concatenation of both of my grandmothers' names-- Deli and Alleen.


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