Plate spinning galore

Sep 05, 2007 11:43

Remember the old Ed Sullivan show, and the guy who ran up and down the line of spinning plates, keeping them all going on top of the sticks? (You have to be of a certain age to remember this.) Well, that's me. I've got a lot of plates spinning, and I'm a little bit frantic trying to keep any of them from toppling.

I'm back at work after being gone most of August. I came back to find that the storage warehouse where our program has kept our large puppets for years will no longer be available and I need to find a new home for them by October. Geesh! Anyone know of a large barn or warehouse area available for cheap or free right away? It needs ceilings at least 15 feet high and available floor area about 10 x 20, and needs to be convenient to Concord, MA.

Plenty of other work stuff, too. Plus follow-up to Phoenix Fire (I am chair of the Council and am on to facilitate the next bunch of work, which includes some tricky conflict-resolution). Arthur Hull is coming to town at the end of this month, we are putting together a public drum circle for the afternoon of Sunday, Sept. 30 and also organizing the Drum Circle Facilitators Training that weekend. Also figuring out what to do with Drum and Dance Saturday in Cambridge, as we are ready to retire from organizing that after 16 years. And oh yeah, did I mention that I am also focusing on getting Kaylin ready to go back to school, and working on educating myself about ADD and planning to contact his doctor about a medication plan for him? Just another minor thing (NOT!).

I'm also planning to facilitate a clan at Twilight Covening, and then finally in later October, planning to take a writing workshop at Rowe. That one is just for me!

I do like my life, but sometimes I wonder why I set it up to require so much work.
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