No rescue dog this time

Dec 05, 2013 17:39

The American Eskimo dog we were trying to adopt ended up going to a previous applicant, who had originally been turned down because of potential issues with other dogs in their household. That adoption is back on again, apparently.

I'm a little disappointed, since she was exactly what we were looking for, but the important thing is that the dog is going to have a true home again, even if it's not with us. I can be happy about that.

There's another rescue dog out there for us, something along the lines of:

Small- to medium-sized Spitz breed or mix thereof: We've had a total of five Eskies/Eskie mixes and two Pomeranians over the years; this time we're looking mostly at Eskies and Welsh corgis. H loves the Alaskan Klee Kai, but there are only like 1,500 of those in the world and for a number of reasons we are not buying a $2,000 dog!

Adult: I've house trained two puppies and that was more than enough for one lifetime. I will deal with (and have, multiple times) elimination problems that are due to medical/behavioral issues, but I just can't do the puppy thing again. Plus everyone wants puppies, while we've been known to adopt the elderly and/or infirm.

Female: Magnus doesn't like living with even the most submissive of other male dogs (there were literal pissing contests INSIDE MY HOUSE; I can't even), but has lived in peace with even alpha females.

Back to the dog search I go...

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

real life, dogs

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