
Sep 06, 2013 20:45

Welp, that was...a movie. One that could have been an amusingly violent, moderately entertaining retread of Pitch Black, this time with mercenaries and Katee Sackhoff, if only TPTB had not seen fit to include the following combination of offensive bullshit for no good reason:

• Gratuitous female nudity. I'm all for gratuitous shots of pretty naked people, as long as dudely nudity is given equal time à la Spartacus. Otherwise? NO.

• Gratuitous rapiness.

• Multiple incidents of gross/demeaning/sexually threatening dialogue aimed at female characters on account of their femaleness and/or sexual orientation. It was bad enough coming from the designated evil asshole character everyone wants to see die like a pig in hell, but Riddick himself was the source of some of it.

Misogyny: so cool and edgy, amirite?

Katee Sackhoff deserves better than this. There's yet more fail with her character (Dahl) that I won't get into here because of spoilers. You'll know it when you see it, which I suggest you don't.

What I'd really like is to watch Pacific Rim again to get this bad taste out of my mouth. Or maybe a crossover in which Mako Mori and Dahl pilot a Jaeger that stomps the fucking shit out of Riddick.

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

movies, oh john ringo no

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