City Hunter, episodes 10-12

Aug 15, 2012 10:26

Unless this takes a huge nosedive in the last eight episodes, it's my new favorite by far.

So Lee Yoon Sung's all "Don't like me, I don't really like you anyway, don't be around me, STAY AWAY AND BE SAFE."

Of course, Kim Nana, being Kim Nana, proceeds to con her way into a government building and drag Yoon Sung aside so pretty prosecutor won't see him, thereby revealing her knowledge that he's Korean Batman - and was that scene incredibly hot or what - and then gets kidnapped and ends up taking a bullet for him, in the same spot in which she shot him earlier (as one does). And even then he can't come out and say how he feels about her - although it's made extremely obvious - and it kills my soul.

No, no, he'll merely offer every last drop of blood in his body if that's what it takes to save her.

Does it get any more romantic than that?

No, it does not.

When he's lying next to her, giving her his blood and watching her, and she wakes up, and...

How is it that the writers know exactly what I want and then give it to me (after making me suffer for it but good), and why can't American TV do that more often?

Does a bullet stop Nana? Of course not. It's her fight, too, and she is in. Yoon Sung just has to deal. How much did I love them gleefully Robin-Hooding all that stolen and re-stolen money?

In Undaddy news, I hope his threats and escalating awfulness toward Nana and the mother end up making Yoon Sung go all Darth-Vader-on-the-second-Death-Star to Emperor Undaddy in the end.

Actually, Lee Yoon Sung's closest Star Wars equivalent is Starkiller, so it's no wonder I adore him.

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

kdrama, city hunter, lee min ho

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