(no subject)

May 31, 2012 23:34

Counting down the minutes to midnight so I can start my original space opera for the June session of Camp NaNoWriMo. Yes, I'm doing 50,000 words this month, and possibly will participate in the August session also, in addition to doing the flagship NaNoWriMo in November as usual. This has been an utterly crap year for both my mental health and my writing output, so I need the external motivation, okay?


Fellow Star Wars people, go take a look at all Mara Jade's covers. Love Mara; hate that damn catsuit! Miss her so much...


Finally, I have a molded salad recipe from hell to share with all of you tomorrow. Let the rejoicing and/or nausea begin.

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

nanowrimo, writing, star wars

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