Things I have learned so far today

Aug 16, 2005 15:41

1) Every time I have to take the car to the Volvo dealership, I will be stuck there for four hours. No matter why it's there.

2) People who whip out manicure scissors and trim their cuticles while sitting next to me at the dealership should die. Painfully.

3) There's nothing like a trip to Kmart to make one feel lovely and well dressed.

4) I will get a lot more written if I use my computer rather than a notebook and pen.

5) Thinking too much about Ronon/Teyla will make one start buying medieval romance novels (again) and low-cut tops (pretty much for the first time).

6) Green tea frappuccinos are my new crack.

7) Pop-Tarts are nowhere near as good as I remembered them. Even the frosted cherry ones.

8) Getting up in the middle of the night and writing fic until 4:15 AM may not have been the best idea.

9) Cargo magazine (for the metrosexual demographic) is chock-full of shiny pretty men, but I wouldn't want to date a guy who reads it.

10) My mother is loving S2 of BSG as much as S1. Yay, mom!

things i have learned

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