Five things for Friday

Jan 27, 2012 10:56

1) Go read this interview with Dichen Lachman about playing Suren in Being Human (US).

2) Claimed my imported LJ OpenID comments on DW, so they now appear to have come from my DW account (yes, you can do that now).

3) I was supposed to have a boob squashing mammogram today, but the icy weather has spared me until Monday. It can't be worse than the annual poke-and-prod of the ladybits, right? Still kind of grossed out about not being allowed to wear deodorant on that day.

4) Recipe rec: Chicken and Sausage Gumbo. For once the supermarket had fresh okra when I wanted it, so I didn't have to resort to frozen, which I think made a big difference. Cooked it on Monday night and it just kept getting better.

5) If you like A Knight's Tale (and if you don't, there is something very, very wrong with you), I have a romance rec: To Touch the Knight by Lindsay Townsend. I'm pretty sure she saw it and thought it would be an awesome idea to genderflip it so it's the lady who is a lowborn fraud. Great fun so far, other than all the mid-fourteenth-century pestilence.

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

books, being human, health, recipes, dichen lachman

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