Atlantis Fic

Aug 15, 2005 19:24

meyerlemon, I'm still not having any luck with Ronon/Teyla smut. Part of the problem is the smut (which I very seldom write, and what I have written I have never shared with others) and part of it is that I don't believe Teyla would be doing it with Ronon yet. She's not going to make it easy for him! I plan to return to it during the hiatus, when we'll have five more episodes of Ronon/Teyla interaction to work with.

I have a more serious USTish Ronon/Teyla story in the early plotting stages. Maybe it'll eventually see the light of day. I have to go to Maine with H this weekend (I don't know if the motel has Sci Fi *panic*), so I'll bring my notebook and work on it while he competes.

I've switched to a short, silly fic about Teyla and a pack of Morwen Sues. I think I'm about half done with the first draft.

ronon/teyla, ronon dex, fic, morwen sue

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