Due to LJ's latest fail in an epic, ever-growing series, I'm trying to upgrade my DW account from free to paid premium, but DW's payment processor, for some reason known only to itself, is refusing to accept my credit cards, despite their being valid and in good standing and perfectly usable everywhere else. I'm not entering my address or the CCV incorrectly, as the FAQ suggests, so I'm stumped.
ETA: I can't believe I'm probably going to have to mail a check FOR AN ONLINE SERVICE. What century are we in again?
ETA2: I mean, LJ is a sinking ship that disappoints and infuriates me on a semiregular basis, but at least LJ knows how to take my damn money. (No matter how much I regret having given it to them at the moment.)
ETA3: Yeah, yeah, I know. First World problems.
(This entry was originally posted at
my dreamwidth.)