Screencap of great joy: Underworld

Nov 09, 2011 12:08

Dogs: We're waiting for blood and urine lab results for one of the dogs, who drinks and pees too much. As a layperson, I was thinking kidney disease or diabetes (mellitus), but the preliminary results don't suggest that. It might be Cushing's disease or diabetes insipidus (the noninsulinny kind) or maybe even Addison's disease (the opposite of Cushing's, basically). I'll just be over here fretting.

NaNoWriMo: I never realized how much I rely on UST in my writing (mostly of shippy fanfic, so no shit) until I started writing this original space opera that doesn't have any in the beginning. It will develop eventually, since part of the plot involves an odd sort of love story (which I very much doubt will find any sort of consummation until book two), but at the moment the two main characters really don't want to sex each other up; one is very much concerned with other matters and doesn't believe in wasting time on that sort of thing, and the second doesn't see the other as belonging in the category of people-I-might-sleep-with-ever. Ignorance is bliss, but only for now, dear characters! Anyway, it feels weird to write without that.


Selene tells that boring dude to GTFO of her car because he's nowhere near attractive or awesome enough to be a worthy love interest for her. (THAT'S HOW THE MOVIE GOES IN MY HEAD, OKAY?)

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

nanowrimo, writing, screencaps of great joy, dogs, underworld

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