Apr 14, 2010 20:51
Just in case you thought (hoped? feared?) that my last post means I don't believe in ever mocking badfic (with or without Mary Sues), I hasten to assure you that's not the case. In fact, last night I encountered the following line in the depths of the Star Wars section of the Pit of Voles:
"Fill me with your love seed."
You know, as one virgin teenager usually says to another.
Then I felt compelled to say that - in a breathy sexy!voice, of course - to my poor husband at intervals over the course of the evening. (Um, not during any actual sexytimes, in case you were all "Aaaagh! TMI!")
In conclusion: Loooooooooooove seeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
Disclaimer: No real or fictional people (Mary Sues or otherwise) were harmed in the production of this post.
sparkly sparkly oppression,
pit of voles