Very serious TV business

Feb 10, 2010 12:27

1) I just found out that Captain Phil Harris from Deadliest Catch has died. He was only 53. *woe* (Okay, this bit actually is serious.)

2) A lot of people on my flist seem to be watching Fringe all of a sudden. I've watched from the beginning, but don't really post about it in a fannish sort of way. That's because I watch for Lord Denethor Walter and Astrid, instead of the two leads the show obviously want me to be shipping with each other. Unfortunately, I can't ship Peter/Olivia with any fervor because I don't find Joshua Jackson attractive and I don't think Anna Torv is a particularly good actress. I could probably get over her acting if someone else had been cast as Peter, though.

3) Anyone out there still watching Lost? I don't even pretend to know what the hell is going on anymore, and I find it really amusing that the characters themselves can still be all "OMG WTF?" after everything they've seen and been through on the island. You've been on Lost for four seasons already, people! No new bit of insanity the writers have pulled out of their asses should surprise you at this point.

4) H watched the end of that new S(k)iffy meteor movie last night. Not gloriously bad like Mansquito or that one with the Nazi gargoyles. Just garden variety S(k)iffy bad. Disappointing! Will someone please find Michael Trucco some better material? The blond love interest lady was a real step down from Katee Sackhoff, too.

5) We really need to get back to watching FNL. The last episode we watched was 2.06, and that was back in mid-January. It's just that S2 has been so off in so many ways. However, I feel the need for some Tim Riggins coming on. In other FNL news, it turns out that it's not just Jason who leaves me cold, but also the actor who plays him, who is on Caprica at the moment.


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