Friday Night Lights 1.14-1.16

Dec 21, 2009 16:26

Is it just me, or does Lyla Garrity look like Blair Waldorf's long-lost Texas sister?

FNL 1.14:

• Jason dropped the marriage bomb on Lyla's parents. Ha! Worst idea ever. Is there anyone who thinks this is a good thing, other than Jason? I'm not even so sure Lyla does.

• So forge Rigginsdaddy's signature on Tim's court papers and be done with it. What are the odds he's ever going to show up and say he didn't sign them? Billy's concern about Tim seeing their dad makes up for a lot of his idiocy. This is going to stomp on my heart again, isn't it? I want Rigginsdaddy to die in a fire before I've even met him. Since he's on the wagon at the moment, he might also want to think about making amends. Tim's adorably happy, but this can't end well. *frets* Nope. Your dad is a deadbeat and an asshole. Don't be like him.

• Lyla is at least thinking about college and telling Jason she has a life, too. A MOMENT OF CLARITY FROM LYLA! She's saying all the things I've been thinking about college and being too young and rushing into a terrible mistake. Yay!

• Matt owes Julie big time for all the football-related BS and grandma-watching. He should go down on her a lot or something to make up for it. Not that I think things have gotten to that point quite yet. And that was before the compromising rally-girl calendar photos.

• Jason and Coach bonding over Buddy Garrity freaking out about Jason and Lyla's marriage plans was awesome. Almost made me forget how boring I usually find Jason.

• Poor Julie. I remember how awful it is the first time a guy you love does something that breaks your heart. I don't think Matt really did anything with the rally girls, but it's the lie that'll get you every time. Very sad!

• Rigginsdaddy actually showed up for Tim's game. He's still an ass. I have no use whatsoever for people who abandon their children.

FNL 1.15:

• Tyra, it's one thing to give Julie man advice, but another to shoplift and encourage her to skip class. However, powderpuff football is a punishment worse than death. Then Tim picks Lyla for his team, which makes it all worthwhile. I was hoping we'd see Tim in a skirt and ponytails again, but since he's one of the coaches, that's not going to happen.

• To my utter lack of surprise, Tyra turns out to be hardcore, for all that she hates football. Julie, of course, actually knows how to play. She needs to make Matt grovel more for lying to her and then picking her THIRD. I'm enjoying that immensely, but not quite as much as I loved Coach's glee when he discovered Julie's her team's quarterback. Or her touchdown.

• Buddy/Tyra's mom. To no one's surprise. Except Lyla's. Heh. Yet another thing that can't end well.

• Yes, Lyla is a little bit of a spoiled snob, but I don't hold it against her because I have faith she can do better.

• Who could have foreseen that Tami's racism forum would turn out so badly? Other than anyone? Or maybe I've just been in fandom too long and it's made me cynical. Just fire Mac already, FFS. But Coach putting his hand on her head all comfortingly afterward and telling her he was proud of her, that part was nice. The black players walking off the team was good, too.

FNL 1.16:

• OMG, Taylor Kitsch has a nice ass. I'm very thankful that is one body part not obscured by football gear.

• Is Tyra's love advice going to be better than Landry's? It could hardly be worse. Matt doesn't have much money to spare, unfortunately. "It wasn't diamond bad." Hee!

• Tim's hardassed rule over the spotty, undersized JV kids he's been saddled with in the black players' absence? A thing of beauty, my friends. If he doesn't drink himself to death, perhaps he can coach someday.

• Coach/Tami continues to be glorious. The advice as guidance counselor/wife/friend scene made me love them even more.

• The "Women with Low Self-Esteem Palace." Feel the Tyra love! If Julie's parents could see her now, in a strip club dressing room… Well, I guess they know now, since they had to PICK HER UP FROM THE POLICE STATION.

• BRAWL TIME. What do you guys think this is, hockey?

• Matt just stands in the back and yells stuff in a fight! And when he asked Julie to officially be his girlfriend. I squeed loud enough to break glass, you guys.


I wish H had informed me he's not fond of fudge before I made five pounds of it yesterday. It was mostly for his employees, but still, it's kind of annoying. I could have made something else if only he'd bothered to mention that.


This weekend I discovered one of our dogs has this weird little tumor thing growing between his two middle top front teeth and onto the roof of his mouth. The vet appointment is tomorrow. I'll just be over here drinking wine and fretting about cancer until then. We lost two dogs in 2008 (one to kidney failure but basically of extreme old age; the other to cancer of the spleen) and I'm not ready to lose another one. Especially not this one. He's my dog.

fnl, dogs

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