Really bad movie you might want to watch anyway alert

Jun 12, 2009 17:31

Into the Blue 2: The Reef

Reeks of straight-to-video. Ended up in my Netflix queue because David Anders is in it. He plays a character named Carlton - basically Sark by another name, all mercenary and murderous, but in a hot way. (I very much doubt Carlton is going to be as good at surviving as Sark, though.)

VERY RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS. And to some of yours, dear flist.

The movie also has Kara (she of the really bad nose job) from Smallville, some too-pretty guy who was in one episode of SV, and Naomi from Lost, but I'm all about the not!Sark. In fact, I recommend fast-forwarding through the scenes he's not in, especially if you find gratuitous boobies/bikinis/wet T-shirt contests as boring as I do. (Or, if you don't, consider those a plus rather than a minus.)

david anders, movies, sark

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