Angel 4.01-4.06

May 04, 2008 11:03

I made it six episodes into Angel S4 yesterday. Not a good sign that Weaselboy is in the credits. However, so far, so somewhat better than S3.

4.01 "Deep Down":

• Thanksgiving dinner (of family chosen and otherwise) that can't possibly actually be happening. Oh, show! Don't make me weepy. I'm still cranky and disappointed with you over last season.

• Weaselboy's in the credits this season. Feh.

• Hey, Weaselboy. Get a haircut, hippie. Also, I will not be forgiving you in a hurry (or basically EVER) for letting Fred and Gunn worry and search for Angel for MONTHS when you know exactly where he is.

• I have an idea, guys! MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO TO WESLEY FOR HELP. Okay, they did. Twice. So ask him again.


• Wesley has had Justine chained up in his house for three months and has apparently been looking for Angel all along? I think Wesley could teach Lilah a thing or two about deception and duplicity.

• At least Gunn is smart enough not to be all sentimental and trusting about Weaselboy.

• Not a good time to finish what you started in the hospital, Angel. Here, eat Justine instead. No? Too bad.

• Lilah officially rules. Especially because she made Gavin clean up the decapitated head. This show should be called Lilah.

• Fred's not so bad herself, with the richly deserved Tasering of Weaselboy.

• Stay, Wesley! *cries*

• DADDY'S PISSED OFF ALL RIGHT. Not nearly as pissed off as I had hoped, though.

4.02 "Ground State":

• Wesley, utter badass. Of course he has been searching for Cordy.

• Is tight red nipples lady Gwen? Yes. She seems very X-Men.

• Wesley/Lilah: OMG hottest thing since Buffy/Spike.

• Ooh, Angel can smell the Wesley/Lilah.

• Fred, Gunn was only dead for a few seconds. That hardly counts at all on a show like this.

• Okay, there, Angel and Gwen in the elevator. *blushes* *ships madly*

• At least glowy Cordy is being bitchy at the very end of the episodes.

4.03 "The House Always Wins":

• So Cordy is only her old, snarky self when she's ascended and Angel can't hear her. Hmph.

• Vegas road trip! This RULES.

• Lorne, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?


• Green showgirl Fred FTW!

• Think, Angel! Glowy Cordy made you win. And here she is. With slightly less brassy hair, the same horrid old-lady outfit, and, apparently, amnesia. Please let it be BITCHY amnesia.

4.04 "Slouching Toward Bethlehem":

• Cordy: still unfortunately orange.

• Yes, Cordy, things around there are creepy.

• No, you are not Sydney Bristow. Nor have you been doing the deed with Angel. Unfortunately (well, except for the pesky evil thing).

• They tease us with almost-kissing and then "AM I A NUN?" and crosses and scary game face. Hee!

• NOT "THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL" AGAIN, CORDY. *claps hands over ears*

• "Sordid. Rawr." Me, too, Lilah. Me, too. And Wesley called it "a relationship."

• Don't go with Weaselboy, Cordy.

• Uh oh, is Weaselboy getting a crush on Cordy? And grabbing a boob? Eww.

• You all know how much I adore the brother!kink (not in a Wincesty sort of way), but father-son rivalry for the same woman kind of grosses me out.

• Hi, angry Wesley. Of course Lilah played you. Deal with it.

4.05 "Supersymmetry":

• Fred got published! Whoo!

• Weaselboy knows Cordy's feet get cold because she's always stealing the covers? EWW.

• Lilah and Wesley, how you make my toes curl with glee.

• What's missing, Cordy? My vote is ANGEL.


• Lilah is only about a hundred times smarter than Angel. "Hulk smash." Hee!

• Evil professor is to blame. And Fred is going to kill him painfully, yay!

• I knew Fred gave up too easily. Wesley will help you.

• No kissing Weaselboy, Cordy. NONONONONONONONO!

• Cordy belongs with your dad and the others, Weaselboy. And get a haircut.

• Some people NEED killing/banishment to a hell dimension. I just can't get all worked up into a moral frenzy about it. However, I don't imagine this will do Fred and Gunn's relationship any good.

• "Were we in love?" Yeah, kind of, even if it your love seems neither epic (Buffy/Angel) nor pervy (Buffy/Spike) enough to get me really excited. I suppose it'll have to do.

4.06 "Spin the Bottle":

• Cordy just accused Angel of sexual harassment. I can now die happily.

• Yes, Fred/Gunn looks like it's on the rocks. Not surprisingly.

• Gunn-Wesley confrontation of multiple layers of great awkwardness.

• "I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me." *clings*

• IT'S ORIGINAL RECIPE SNIPPETY PRINCESS CORDELIA! And everyone else has regressed to teenhood and it is glorious. "You don't sound Irish." AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

• Wesley's little martial arts demonstration...cannot...breathe...laughing...too hard.

• "Homoerotic buddy-cop session": That's my Cordy! I'm going to miss her when she goes all Pod!Cordy again.

• "Slayer? The band?" *glee* And who knew Fred was a pothead?

• "You stopped the tiny men from singing!"

• Fred and Wesley need to stop doing this to me, with the "naked helpless body" and the *schwing* and stuff.

• Wesley: *dramatically brandishes cross at romantic competition* Gunn: *decks him* Angel: "See! The English is stupid." This makes up for a lot, show!

• The father-son fighting over Cordy: still gross.

• That went well.

• We were in love? And now Cordy's running off and I know that she's going to get knocked up and who the daddy is and eww.

"Spin the Bottle" made up for a lot. *glee*


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