BSG, Farscape

May 04, 2005 14:43

Mom has gone back to Oregon. We got through all of BSG before she left, and she is totally hooked. It turns out that my stepfather has been watching BSG all along, but my mother had no idea because she and my half-sister were usually watching something else on the main TV on Friday nights. They're going to Tivo it and watch it together now, so we've gained both another viewer and another Tivo household. I need to get my father to visit me so I can try to get him hooked.

Mom picked up on Kara/Lee immediately. I didn't say a single word about that ship before we started watching, but after the Lee's-not-dead scene in the miniseries, she turned to me and said, "So, do those two ever get together?" Yay, Mom! If my level-headed fiftysomething mother can see the ship right away, it definitely has been there from the beginning (not that I ever had any doubt, because I've been shipping those two since December 2003).

It's time to get back to Farscape. I didn't watch any when my mother was here, since we were watching BSG and also because I'm in late season three and I didn't want to have to explain all the backstory to her. When I last watched Farscape, one of the Crichtons had just died of radiation poisoning, so it was a good time for a pause anyway. *sniffle*

bsg, farscape

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