BtVS 6.18-6.20

Jan 11, 2008 14:28

6.18 "Entropy":
• Hi, Spike. Skulking, are we? Also dangling another vampire off the edge of that crypt and being all cute with Buffy. The look on the other vampire's face when Spike asked Buffy why she won't sleep with him again was priceless.

• Xander, you screwed up big time. I'm not feeling sorry for you.

• Anya looks like she gave herself a really bad home perm. BREAKUP HAIR!

• "It's real." "I think it is - for you." Just keep stabbing me in the heart, you two.

• Anya and Spike's drunken brokenhearted bonding is making me feel better, though. SEXY DANCE? Hee! Also, RAWR! Didn't know they were going to do that.

• FFS, Xander, YOU LEFT ANYA AT THE ALTAR. What she and Spike do is none of your damn business, you tool!

• Back to the Magic Box of Post-Coital Awkwardness. XANDER, NO HITTING PEOPLE WHO CAN'T HIT YOU BACK. I know Buffy did (back when he couldn't hit her back), but that's just their thing. You don't get to do that. Even if he could hit you back, HERE'S A NEWSFLASH: ANYA DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU. YOU DON'T GET TO BE ALL JUDGY ABOUT THE SPIKE THING, ASSHOLE.

• "It's good enough for Buffy." HERE WE GO. I was really hoping Buffy's have the gonads to speak up herself, but she has disappointed me again. Not nearly as much as Xander has, though. Also, Spike may be soulless and still at least quasi-evil, but what's Xander's excuse?

• So if Buffy doesn't care about Spike, why did she seem so hurt?

• Okay, heart stompings for everyone but Willow and Tara. That's because there's going to be a really huge stomping very soon for them.

6.19 "Seeing Red":
• Every time I hear about Dawn's friend Janice, it reminds me that I've never met a Janice who isn't a Baby Boomer. A bit on the old side to be friends with Dawn.

• Dawn is making herself useful for once. Spike's only finding out now that he and Anya were putting on a free show thanks to the annoying geek boys?

• "If you wanted to hurt Buffy, congratulations. It worked." *heart stabbity* And once again, why should it hurt if she really doesn't have any feelings for him except for the below-the-belt sort?


• Spike slinks in, trailing dirtybadwrongness in his wake. I don't think he can help that, though.

• Once again, why does it hurt you that he slept with Anya, Buffy? I'm just trying to figure out exactly what the hell is really going on in that head of yours. Not that you seem to know yourself.

• "You should have let them kill me." Such a drama queen, as always. One of his finer qualities.

• Okay, so she's finally going to admit the BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS FACT THAT SHE HAS FEELINGS FOR HIM EVEN THOUGH SHE REFUSES TO CALL THEM LOVE. Oh, Buffy, sweetheart, we don't choose whom we love! It either happens or it doesn't and no one ever said that it was always a good idea to act on it when it's there, but that doesn't mean it isn't real. (Seriously, have any of you ever had any control over it? Not me.)

• However, we do have control over our actions. SPIKE, I'M TALKING TO YOU HERE, because I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen next.

• Yes. Which, of course, is VERY WRONG. (Even though in certain fictional situations it does push all sorts of buttons that I should probably be ashamed to admit to - but here I am admitting it. The real thing, though - I wouldn't be any more amenable to that than Buffy was.)

• There seems to be some sort of "See how the patriarchy uses 'romance' to oppress womyn!" thing going on here, but I don't care about that so much as about it being so fucked up (although not particularly surprising) that Spike would think that this was a way to make Buffy admit she loves him. (I do think going rapey might have worked with Dru, but she's an evil vampire and crazier than a shithouse rat to boot. Not something to try with a human woman, Spike. Ever.)

• I found out about the attempted rape a couple of weeks ago when I was reading an interview with JM in which he talked about how horribly traumatic it was to do this scene (a reaction that made me really like him). I wasn't shocked then and I'm not now that I've seen it. If Spike had that missing part that they call a soul on this show, then I'd be shocked, but he doesn't. I know what he is, despite how he's changed or been forced to change or tried to change since being chipped and realizing he was in love with Buffy.

• Also, despite what he just did, Spike still seems much less evil and dangerous than Angelus.

• "Why didn't I do it?" Uh, because she stopped you? Well, he didn't keep trying after she threw him across the room, but it's not like he deserves praise for that.

• "It won't let me be a monster and I can't be a man." This should be interesting. I know Spike ends up getting his soul back (although I don't know how it actually happens), but that doesn't seem like what he has in mind here. Sounds like he just wants the chip incapacitated. That would let him hurt and kill humans again, but I'm not entirely certain that the changes in him could be completely undone.

• TARA. Just when I had really started to like you.

If you were betting that things would finally get too dirtybadwrong for me in this episode, you bet WRONG. Sorry, flist!

6.20 "Villains":
• I don't have a problem with Willow killing that particular human at all.

• To Spike's. Has he come back, I wonder? Nope, not back and Clem's cryptsitting. I like Clem. I'm not sure how to interpret Buffy's reaction to the news that Spike has scarpered, but that might just be due to the limitations of SMG's acting ability.

• SPIKE! Which former self? William the bloody awful poet with soul or William the Bloody? I assume you mean the latter, but I'd be more specific if I were you. It's important to be very specific in this sort of situation. (Still, wouldn't either of those options be better than what you are now? Kind of like what you told Buffy about her situation a few episodes ago?) I haven't been spoiled for how Spike gets his soul back, just that he does, but it's looking like a classic fairy-tale be-careful-what-you-wish-for scenario.

• BORED NOW. Eeeeeeeeeee! I miss vampire!Willow, who was a million times cooler than this dark!Willow.

ETA: I'm VERY CONFUSED. And here I get to air my speculations in front of an audience that already knows everything, so I get to look like the LEAST PERCEPTIVE PERSON IN THE WORLD on a regular basis when I turn out to be wildly wrong.


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