(no subject)

Nov 13, 2007 12:40

1) H and I are going to Buffalo this weekend, he to go to an NFL game (he's not a huge football fan, but when someone else is paying for the tickets and airfare, he'll go). I turned down a ticket to the game because, well, I HATE FOOTBALL, so the thought of sitting in a stadium freezing my ass off for several hours? Not so tempting!

No, the reason I am going is the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park. They have not just a US fleet sub (USS Croaker), but also a destroyer (USS The Sullivans) and a light cruiser (USS Little Rock), all of which saw combat in WWII. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

(Seriously, you guys have NO IDEA how excited I am. I have a whole list of naval museum ships around the world, and I check each one off after I have been on it. This going to be the best thing since my first visit to Pearl Harbor!)

2) Unfortunately, our usual house-/dog-/cat- sitter ended up in the hospital yesterday for emergency gallbladder surgery, so I thought I would have to stay home because we have four dogs (one of whom is ancient, decrepit, and increasingly incontinent) and two cats, and I don't want to break in a new housesitter while the old dog is still alive. H managed to get a previous housesitter to come back for those two days we'll be gone, so I get to go after all!


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nanowrimo, travel, real life

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