From icarus_abides (who claims not to be into memes):
Shipper Whore Meme
Six Ships I Like:
1) Kara/Lee (Battlestar Galactica)
2) Sydney/Sark (Alias)
3) John/Elizabeth (Stargate: Atlantis)
4) Michael/Sara (Prison Break)
5) Ronon/Teyla (Stargate: Atlantis)
6) John/Aeryn (Farscape)
Three Ships I've Abandoned
7) Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
8) Peter/Claire (Heroes)
9) Teyla/Bates (Stargate: Atlantis)
Three Ships I've Never Liked:
10) Sam/Dean (Supernatural)
11) John/Rodney (Stargate: Atlantis)
12) Helo/Sharon (Battlestar Galactica)
Two Ships That Have Piqued My Interest:
13) Jack/Gwen (Torchwood)
14) Doctor/Jack (Doctor Who)
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (John/Rodney)
Because it's The Ship That Ate SGA Fandom (SERIOUSLY), despite the fact that they're two straight guys who have never shown the slightest interest in having sex with each other, and because if you don't ship them, you're a second-class SGA fan.
2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Jack/Gwen)
liminaliz, maybe? I've just started watching, so I'm not all that acquainted with the fandom yet.
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (John/Elizabeth)
For them to become a couple and rule Atlantis together for the rest of their long, happy lives. This is, um...not at all likely.
4). Which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one. (Kara/Lee)
It's almost impossible to pick just one. Gah.
How about "33" for the smack-you-in-the-mouth and stuff? It's still my all-time favorite episode of BSG.
5. How long have you been following couple #6? (John/Aeryn)
Since February 2005, when I started Netflixing Farscape because
queenofthorns just made them sound that damn awesome.
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Peter/Claire)
Uh, they turned out to be UNCLE AND NIECE.
7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Sydney/Sark or Michael/Sara)
Syd/Sark, because they would have been thermonuclearly hot (and far better than the canon ships they ended up with). The Alias writers really dropped the ball on that one.
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Sam/Dean or Helo/Sharon)
Well, Sam/Dean, being INCESTUOUS, is way gross, but it's not and never will be canon. Helo/Sharon (may they and their stupid hybrid baby be airlocked ASAP, so say we all!) is canon, so I'll have to pick them.
9. What interests you about #14? (Doctor/Jack)
Well, it's obvious that Jack has a big-time thing for the Doctor who abandoned him (I mean, he carries around the Doctor's SEVERED HAND), but the Doctor may or may not even have a sexuality and in any case is very disturbed by the wrongness of Jack's immortality, which is why he abandoned Jack in the first place. Angstorama, no matter how you look at it.
10. 10. When did you stop liking #7? (Doctor/Rose)
As soon as Christopher Eccleston's Nine regenerated into David Tennant's Ten.
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Teyla/Bates)
No. I was never all that into the ship, which was non-canonical in any case. Bates was gone after S1, and then Ronon showed up and I never looked back.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Ronon/Teyla)
"Out of Exile" - Audioslave
13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
John/Aeryn, because it just had to be, despite their starting out half a universe apart in more ways than one.
14. Which do you dislike the most?
Sam/Dean, because they're BROTHERS. I mean, WTF?
15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
I want Doctor/Jack/Gwen, which encompasses two of my pairings from two different, albeit related, shows. Not a double date exactly, but you know you want it!
16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Sydney/Sark)
Yes, just the once. It involved roleplaying, alcohol, and blood, and I still get wibbly when I think about it.
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Michael/Sara)
Well, it sounds like the answer to that depends on FOX and the actress who plays Sara coming to some sort of civilized agreement about her maternity leave. I hope for a happy ending, since Michael/Sara is THE reason I have been watching Prison Break all this time, but I'm feeling very anxious.
18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Doctor/Jack)
Maybe if they were on the same show all the time? Even then, I just don't think I'm enough of a slasher to get really into it, unless we're talking about an OT3 with a female character I really like.
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Sydney/Sark or John/Aeryn)
If I could retain my memories of how John/Aeryn actually turned out, I'd pick Syd/Sark because we never got to see that. Otherwise, John/Aeryn.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Sam/Dean)
For them to continue on in the family business in their nonincestuous, brotherly way, and have heterosexual relationships that will make the vagina-hating Sam/Dean fangirls wail, rend their garments, and gnash their teeth!