
Dec 31, 2006 22:18

Finally watched the last of Alias.


In case you can't tell, I'm pretty happy about that.

Getting rid of Sark as a regular was one of the hugest mistakes TPTB ever made. That, and making Lauren EVOL. And casting whatsherface the Australian eyebrow lady as Lauren. And making Sydney so weepy and neutered and bland. And the EVOL eyeliner.

But I was talking about Sark, wasn't I? I will be rewatching all the Sark episodes many times in the future, but I can't say that I'll be rewatching too many of the others. Unless they have Irina in them.

By the end I wasn't really caring if they did a ROCKS FALL, SYD, VAUGHN, AND BABY DIE! I have never watched Alias for that, so whatever. I knew they'd get their saccharine happy ending anyway.

The important thing is that Sark is still with us, and still free and being his hotly evil badass self.

I was kind of hoping that Sark and Rachel would go riding off into the sunset together, but maybe she's not feeling so forgiving about the whole torture thing? And Syd (after her last gasp of badassery in early S3) wasn't worthy of him anyway. (Don't even get me started on Sydney and how hopelessly boring and inoffensive the writers made her. Gah! She had moments of glorious darkness and kickassery, but they could never follow through. Guess they were afraid of alienating the more simpleminded fans.) Anyway, Sark still needs to find an evil queen, since Irina is apparently well and truly dead this time.

You know, even if Sark had been killed off in the finale, I still wouldn't have believed he was really dead. However, TPTB did not want to piss off the legions of rabid Sark fangirls or something, so he got the happiest sort of ending one could expect for him. At least that's what I assume. I was on the edge of my seat until the last scene, thinking PLEASE TELL ME VAUGHN DIDN'T KILL HIM! PLEASE TELL ME VAUGHN DIDN'T KILL HIM!

Speaking of Vaughn, did the writers intend for Vaughn to really be dead earlier in S5 and then bring him back due to fandom hysteria?

As a finale, it kind of sucked. All those years of Rambaldi bullshit came down to that? Pfffft!

In conclusion: JULIAN. FUCKING. SARK.

alias, sark

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