May 11, 2012 12:59
When you re-watch last night’s episode it becomes even more apparent that next season is the season of Delena. The writer’s were brilliant. There will always be 2 sides to this triangle and both ships are very aggressive and passionate about their side.
Although Elena made a decision last night, it was more than evident it was the wrong one. The writer’s emphasized that so effectively, giving us these powerful DE scenes that shattered us to pieces. And they ended the season with Damon’s reaction, not Stefan’s.
Last night’s choice and the SE relationship that is bound to follow is simply the writer’s way of paying their respects to a side of this triangle. Our side didn’t get the choice, but we got the strength of the episode, the scenes that brought viewers to emotional tears. We got the powerful crucial moments, the ones that meant the most and defined the finale.
No one ever said it was going to be an easy road, but I see last night’s episode and the start of the next season as the writer’s way of pushing SE fans towards DE’s side. It’s going to be a gradual push, but DE will happen… it’s simply a matter of making sure both sides of the fandom are alright with it when it happens and the show doesn’t lose followers.