Tämän selittämisen osaan vaan englanniksi, joten laiskana tyttönä lainaan taas itseäni. Kohta lähdetään taas tietokonesairaalaan sillä...
Wednesday, April 26
It's been quiet. Too quiet.
I was sitting at the computer last night, in the silence of the evening. Doing the usual stuff of surfing and chatting and all that. I clicked on a link my friend sent, and... hmmm. Firefox didn't want to start up. Neither did Safari. And what was that sound coming from my hard drive?
Turned out none of my applications wanted to open once i turned them off, and if i tried, the hard drive started crying at me.
Not wanting to deal with gut-wrenching fear, I went to bed instead.
This morning, then, the machine (in its sleeping state) started making that noise again so I got up to investigate. Hmmm. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening. I finally called the service company which changed my hard drive six weeks ago (thanks for the 3 month service warranty!) and explained the problem. I happened to be speaking to the guy who changed the hard drive the last time, so he told me to make sure I saved what I could on discs and to come over.
So I started burning my pics on a DVD. (4G in the past six weeks!) It started out all right... And then Finder rebooted itself. A few times.
Oh. Shit.
So anyway, to cut the story short, the DVD disc I was burning is now inside the laptop so I can't even get it out to attempt a re-burn. I'm now trying to get FTP be to work so I could save at least a few good shots from the Lapland trip and Easter. Soon I'll have to turn the computer off - with risk that it won't start up again - and head over to Helsinki with my poorly baby.
If I lose all files again, I'll probably cry like a baby.