[meta] Toad: Reboot.

Jun 13, 2009 20:38

My mun tried to retire me, the slag! But you can't keep a good mutant down, I says!

I'm here, Reboot style, just like Spock. Only my ears aren't pointy! But I'm all for living long and prospering. I rock the hand sign thingy too, you know.

(Also, did you see that scene with the green chick? HOT. Hot, I tell you. So lovely, all the green skin. Mmmmm.)

So, yeah, I'm out of retirement and back. Bigger, better, and greener then ever.

[Mun notes: Toad is around for my own plots/purposes, not to step on any toes. You don't want him bugging you, you just let me know, and he'll keep quiet in regards to your muse. Probably. Also, I know there's other Brotherhood plots going on, but since I've been working on this one (albiet, very very slowly, and I forgot to mention I brought Toad out of retirement, though he's been showing up on John's/JP's journals), I'm just going to continue, and it's not connected to anything else other then, well, this. :) Feel free to ignore it/handwave/whatever you need to do. It is not binding to any muse other then Pyro, unless you want it to be. :) I'm open to communication on that!]
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