Prompt 212 - What event do you wish you could have been a "fly on the wall" for?

Jan 13, 2008 22:31

Toad was in his room, packing up his bag. "What the hell do you take to wear to Genosha?," he pondered out loud. "I mean, African island. Started as a society that kept mutants as slaves. Then became the island nation ruled by mutants. And then it was destroyed by giant robots who were designed to exterminate mutant kind."

And they had a pretty damn good go at it, too - sixteen million dead in a day. And now the island lay in rubble and ash, and was virtually uninhabited by anyone, save for a thousand refugees and the few trying to rebuild it up.

Toad put his best trousers away in the dresser. He wouldn't be needing those.

Pyro was sitting at Toad's desk, but was focusing on the video game in front of him. "Huh?"

"Genosha, Pyro. Where I'm going for the next few days, helping with reconstruction."

"Fucker! That was totally at the videogame," Pyro said, right into playing it.

Toad threw a pair of old socks at the kid's head.

"Fucker! That was totally at you," Pyro yelped. He turned around and faced Toad, scowling. "What?"

"I am talking about important things here, mate!"

"You're leaving me," Pyro said flatly. "You bitch and moan and whine for two months for me to come back, and I finally do, and you're taking off."

"Awww, did you miss me that much, darling?" Toad feigned a sugary sweet voice, as much as a guy with who sometimes croaked could, and batted his eyelashes atPyro . The teen just rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, mate," Toad continued, normal voice, "I'll be back soon enough. And, hey, you're here for the long haul, right?"

Pyro grinned. "Fuck, yeah."

"I wish I could have seen it," Toad said randomly, only not so much, "when the robots had came. But, like, a secret observer or something."

Pyro visibly shuddered. "Fuck, why?" he asked. He shook his head. "Not me, man. Too much... destruction."

"Even for you?" Toad asked, shoving some old work trousers into his bag.

Pyro nodded. "Yeah. Our kind, man. Dead, destroy, hunted down like animals. Killed with no mercy. Why the hell would you have wanted to do that? I mean, wouldn't you rather want to have stopped it, if you could?"

"No body could have stopped it," Toad said, dead serious for a change. "It was going to happen. If I had actually been there, I would have been dead along side so many of our own. What use would I be then?"

"So why watch it? Wouldn't that have been, like, six thousand times worse or something?"

"To remember. To really remember. To have those images etched on your brain? Those are fuel to the fire for life, mate. Like Magneto, and what he saw in Auschwitz. He'll never forget that, and he'll never stop trying to fight against that happening again, to mutants. I want to make sure I never lose sight of our path either."

Pyro thought for a moment, then shook his head. "No way, dude. Couldn't do it. Can barely make it there now, to help out. It'd give me the creeps, being there."

"I wish I could have seen it."

"That's sick, man. Sick."

"That's life. And I want to experience it as much as I can, the good and the bad, for as long as I can." Toad grinned. "Would you take boxers with skulls all over them to Genosha, or is that rather tacky?"

Pyro just rolled his eyes.

avalanche, tm prompts, the past, genosha, pyro

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