Jun 28, 2009 10:53
Your Horoscope - Today, June 28, 2009
Today, Krystal, you are likely to be feeling rather bored, restless and frustrated with the way your life is going right now. You have responsibilities that you need to meet, yet you have other projects that interest you a lot more than mundane tasks. As a result, you might find yourself growing a bit impatient with those around you. Take care not to take your frustrations out on others! Remember the old Chinese saying: "This too shall pass."
Holy Crap. That thing is right. Like hit directly on the nose right.
I'm watching Freakazoid, Devil's Rejects and Choke due to a lack of anything going on in my life. And no money.
I wish I had a family that loved me- or handed me a lot of money for earning a HS degree. All I got was a firm handshake from one of my 'relatives' and $10.
Throwing myself down wrought iron stairs sounds like a good idea. I found a note that my mom left lying around, like she wanted me to see it- and all I can say is I hate her. Really deep down, hate.
Never thought I'd say this- but I wish they had aborted me when they had the goddamn chance.
I wanna go for a long walk with someone who knows exactly how I feel- but there's no one in this town that gets it, they have everything handed to them. I haven't had a real phone in all of my life. They go through them like it's nothing. $200 phones, like nothing. I don't even have $200 to spend on essentials, let alone a phone.
It's a good thing I don't have money-I'd have bought a hand gun by now and wouldn't be typing this.