So there I was, working on the ol'
MMMMMMDI, when all of a sudden, the power went 404 throughout the entire neighborhood. Complete pitch blackness, not even a streetlight to lighten things up a bit. Hoping that this was just a temporary problem, in my chair I sat. No sir, nothing working five minutes later, so up I got.
By this time, the family was heading outside to go converse with the neighbors, and of course, uncle showed up as well. Meanwhile, I head over to the shitter to take a blind poop, and turned the radio on whilst doing so... when all of a sudden, a grand idea came to mind. Finished up the defecating, and then brother headed back to mine room, which would only help the plan. Filled him in on the dealio, and things had begun.
Brother proceeded to head outside and tell them that I was listening to my radio, and they were saying terrorists had begun attacking electric companies along the east coast in order to fuck things up, and that the news people were thinking this was a result of them wanting to make things even harder during the hurricane clean-up mess that will be transpiring in the coming days. Hook, line and sinker were taken, and everyone started going nuts, wanting more details. More details were sure to come.
Brother came back to the room, where the next few parts of the story were cooked up. Terrorists had blown up the Sears tower, mass chaos was going on around the country, shit is basically going nuts. As brother was telling them all this (I was too busy laughing about the whole situation), the town alarm thing started going off, which only helped add credibility to the story. Father got into the car and tried listening to the radio there, neighbor Mary went and called her mother to tell her what was going on, uncle went home to get his gun, and I proceeded to piss all over the hallway floor whilst listening from the laughter.
Since I knew it'd only be a matter of time before they got the brilliant idea of asking me to bring the radio outside, I proceeded to come on out there and let them know that the batteries had died in it, and the last thing I heard was that Osama was planning on making some huge announcement on the news at 23:00 EST. Came back inside, laid down, power came back on, mother jumped on the intraweb to figure out what was going on, and the laughter just started up all over again.