Saturday was the day of
World Wide Flash Mob XII, where there are geocaching events all around the world at the same time. (Actually, I noticed that some WWFM events were at times other than 1pm EDT, but I just picked one.) This time, I chose the flash mob event at Penbrook Park in Harrisburg, reasoning that I'd have time to get some geocaches along the way there. I was actually a bit early so I helped with the setup. Then
it began. The theme for this one was "Bring Your Hat", so I had my fox hat on. After that, I went geocaching around Eastern Harrisburg, Swatara, and Penbrook. Most of those geocaches were fairly straightforward, although there were a few with a bit of a twist and some creative ones.
Sunday began with a bit of
catch-and-release at Goddard Park in West Grove. The cache page had a short poem to help you figure out how it was placed, but I didn't figure out the clues until I actually saw it out in the pond. I doubt it'll last long though. The plastic container is not watertight enough and had already taken in some water. Still, it was fun. After that, I hit a bunch of geocaches around Lancaster before heading to my actual destinations in Northern York County. Newberry and Lewisberry had a fair number of urban cache hides because of the built-up area near I-83, but I took a few short walks into the woods too. There was still time after that so I nipped over into Cumberland County to get a bunch of caches in New Cumberland. This town claims to maintain a small-town atmosphere despite being close to capitol city Harrisburg. I'm not so sure about that but it's a bit less busy than the part of Harrisburg I visited the day before.
That night, I headed back south to York to try the newest
Primanti Bros location. This is a Pittsburgh-based restaurant chain that makes sandwiches where coleslaw and fries are stuffed into the sandwich. I first heard of them when Anthrocon moved to Pittsburgh and ever since I tried one, I'd been waiting for this chain to expand out my way. So I tried a
Colossal Fish Sandwich, and yes, it really is just like the sandwiches at their Pittsburgh locations! At around 77 miles from home, York Primanti Bros is not quite in my area but I travel out that far for geocaching anyway so I definitely can return a bunch of times per year.
Saturday 2015-06-13:
Gus Is A Fun Guy (Pennsylvania)The Best Place to Buy a Mattress (Pennsylvania)Agony In The Garden (Pennsylvania)Apples, Apples, Everywhere (Pennsylvania)Game On! (Pennsylvania)Happy Cat (Pennsylvania)PRINDLEPALOOZA # 2 - The HAPPY ONE : ) (Pennsylvania)Penbrook Park (Pennsylvania)WWFM XII Celebration-Bring Your Hat (Pennsylvania)Kline Village (Pennsylvania)KING's (Pennsylvania)GBMS- Math is AWESOME!!! (Pennsylvania)Midnight Ride (Pennsylvania)Toys R Us C&D #3 (Pennsylvania)Spur Of The Moment (Pennsylvania)The Trout Amateur Micro Cache (Pennsylvania)Sheetz Outdoors (Pennsylvania)SBUX: Gold Five (Pennsylvania)Hotel Hunt (Pennsylvania)Tis The Season- All Year Long! (Pennsylvania)A Halloween Mystery (Pennsylvania)Best View in Town (Pennsylvania)High Land (Pennsylvania)Lindle C&D (Pennsylvania)283's Recycled Cache Redux (Pennsylvania)Srettur #1 (Pennsylvania)SAM I AM!!! (Pennsylvania)Wally World 2 - Capital City (Pennsylvania)A Shweet Time! (Pennsylvania)A Day in the Park (Pennsylvania)No Overnight Parking (Pennsylvania)OTW Eastern (Pennsylvania)The Best Part of Waking Up (Pennsylvania)Get Your Berings! (Pennsylvania)OTW Kohls Park? (Pennsylvania)OTW Creek View (Pennsylvania)Happy Kitten Cache (Pennsylvania)Happy Cache (Pennsylvania)Burdens Are Lifted At... (Pennsylvania)Copperhead Road (Pennsylvania)Limited Sight Distance? (Pennsylvania)I Hate Micros (Pennsylvania)HSH - Cache the Spirit #5 - Coin Drop (Pennsylvania)Not A Lone Pine (Pennsylvania)A Celebration Cache (Pennsylvania)Where'd the Cheese Go? (Pennsylvania)Pizza Pizza (Pennsylvania)8 Crazy Nights (Pennsylvania)Employee of the Month (Pennsylvania)The Best Cache In Town! (East) (Pennsylvania)Want to be friends? (Pennsylvania)Keep Off the left, Keep Off the right (Pennsylvania)A big sign, a small house (Pennsylvania)...On Our Way To Hershey (Pennsylvania) Sunday 2015-06-14:
Rocks rock (Pennsylvania)Bench Warmer (Pennsylvania)C. B. Watcher - The not so evil one. (Pennsylvania)Flory Park Blues (Pennsylvania)Blossoming (Pennsylvania)NTC - Water Cache (Pennsylvania)I See the Light! (Pennsylvania)round and round the trees (Pennsylvania)Lonely in this day and age. (Pennsylvania)Out In The Sticks (Pennsylvania)fly away home (Pennsylvania)near the llama or not (Pennsylvania)York 100 Here and There (Pennsylvania)Quiz (Pennsylvania)Take me out to.... (Pennsylvania)Defy Gravity (Pennsylvania)Goin' Postal (Pennsylvania)My Backyard (Pennsylvania)Caitlyn's Cache (Pennsylvania)Cache Builder # 3 (Pennsylvania)Candy Lane #6 (Pennsylvania)Candy Lane #1 and geocoin depot (Pennsylvania)NKOTB #2 (Pennsylvania)I Like Pie (Pennsylvania)wallyworld park and ride (Pennsylvania)cornered x 2 (Pennsylvania)York 100 Wally's Overlook (Pennsylvania)For the love of dogs (Pennsylvania)Amazing Feet! (Pennsylvania)Quick & Easy # 3 (Pennsylvania)Cache Builder # 2 (Pennsylvania)Old Cemetery Cache (Pennsylvania)The Unofficial 2,500,000 Worldwide Active Geocache (Pennsylvania)Home of the Saints (Pennsylvania)Razor-Sharp Geo-Senses... "Our Little Towne" (Pennsylvania)Sunny-Side Up… "Our Little Towne" (Pennsylvania)Burr, That Salsa's Warm!... "Our Little Town" (Pennsylvania)Gotta Spoon Fulla Sugar?... "Our Little Towne" (Pennsylvania)READ!! WRITE!! INITIALS!! #2 (Pennsylvania)Cup of Joe?... "Our Little Towne" (Pennsylvania)My Way or the Highway (Pennsylvania)YORK100/DON'T LOOK DOWN (Pennsylvania)