Lancaster LXVIII Pirates Series, Montgomery County
Oct 06, 2014 12:54
On Saturday, I headed out to Lancaster for the Pirates geocache series. This is another themed series where you have to find a set of caches to get information for the final cache. One of the caches had a problem but I didn't really need its part of the final coordinates since I could infer the latitude degrees from the general area. So I found the treasure chest! Of course, I also got some geocaches in Upper Leacock and Ephrata along the way since I didn't cover that area on my previous trips this year. This being Lancaster County, there was ample opportunity to view cows and covered bridges.
Sunday was a trip to Montgomery County to do some recent geocaches. I also retried some caches with which I had trouble during the summer because of thick vegetation. "Binary Bytes" was an example of that. Although it is a puzzle cache, the cache hide is tougher than the puzzle. The bush still had plenty of leaves but in early autumn, it had thinned out just enough for me to see the cache. "Everyone's Favorite Breakfast Pastry" was another one that was tough in the summer, not so much for vegetation but for ticks, as other geocachers have noted in their online logs. But I think a few nights with frost have brought them down to a minimum. I had no trouble anyway.