The rose plant in my front yard went from two roses to more than a dozen roses within a few days. Also, it did come from my neighbor. I just never noticed his roses before because I wasn't looking from the other side of his yard but it is the same variety. Anyway, the first errand I ran today was to take the yard waste from my recent evening weeding session to the yard waste dropoff in Bear. After that, I went to Dover for a bunch of geocaches. I had only half a day for geocaching so a short trip like that was ideal.
In the evening, I went to AMF Price Lanes in Wilmington for
Delaware Furbowl 27. This time, I decided to field test Unnamed the Coyote III, which I recently acquired. The basic idea is to wear the fursuit at a local meet to identify and fix all the problems before I take it to a con, where I may not have the right tools or materials to make repairs/alterations. There was a bit of a problem with the tail but I figured out what I was doing wrong during the break between the first and second bowling games, so it isn't an issue.
I was under the assumption that I couldn't wear glasses under this fursuit head since it is tight-fitting and built on a balaclava and an elastic frame, but that wasn't true because the temple area is a bit looser. I used a different pair of glasses instead of my regular glasses in case of breakage but there was no reason to worry. So far, Unnamed III and Oddbrand Otter are the only two fursuits I can wear glasses in. (Need to try this in the other characters too.) I can't wear glasses in the Chestnut Husky head but I can see okay because of the mesh/pinhole effect.
How did the actual bowling go? I got 3 spares and 1 strike. Got just over 100 points in the first game and a bit less in the second game. Doesn't really count though because the bumpers were up in the lane where I was playing, but I had fun trying to do some trick shots bouncing the ball off the bumpers.
Hi-"Tech" Anniversary (Delaware)Antique Plastic (Delaware)Just a can (Delaware)Bang-Bang (Delaware)Having Phoon at C&D Canal (Delaware)Grandma's Cache (Maryland)