Furfright 2010 Days 1 and 2

Oct 31, 2010 09:10

Woke up early on Friday so I went out and did 4 geocaches within a few miles of the hotel. Those were all cemetery caches that I couldn't do the night before because most cemeteries have rules against going in there at night. Returned to the hotel in time for Furfright opening ceremony. Then I went to the "How to make a fursuit head" panel for a bit. I probably won't use the information, other than for making repairs, but the panelist was funny and entertaining.

Then I went out for another 4 geocaches. I used the algorithm of doing geocaches until I saw a place to have lunch, which unfortunately turned out to be Taco Bell in Newington. (but I had coupons! :) ) Returned to the hotel and fursuited for a few hours, wandering around convention space. I was surprised at how much attention the otter got; more than any other fursuit I've worn at a con. Also went around surprising some of my friends who didn't know yet that I had an otter suit.

For dinner, I went six miles from the hotel to Hometown Buffet in Wethersfield. This was yet another coupon-driven decision. There was plenty of fish. After leaving Hometown Buffet, I noticed that there were 2 geocaches between the restaurant and the highway ramp, so I found those too. So it was 3 square meals on Friday and 3 sets of geocaches. :) Returned to the hotel and fursuited some more. Went to the dance for a bit before deciding I should get to sleep.

Woke up a bit earlier on Saturday and went to the Saturday Morning Cartoons Party in my bat pajamas. There was sugary cereal and we watched cartoons from the 80s and 90s, which I could still remember! After that, jbadger and I went geocaching in Rocky Hill. We did 21 geocaches in 2 hours! How? Well, there's a dirt road going through the Great Meadow Wildlife Preserve with geocaches every 0.1 of a mile or so and the whole road was passable by car. With teamwork and some coordination, we did most of those caches rather quickly. Lunch was at Denny's in Wethersfield, where I had a Hickory Grilled Chicken Sandwich.

Returned to the hotel just in time for the fursuit parade. Lined up in the ballroom. We got ear-tagged on the way out of the ballroom. Paraded in a simple loop on the lobby level and assembled outside for the group photo shoot. I think the head count was about 240. After that, I went around the hotel in street clothes and chatted with friends, some of whom I haven't seen since the last Furfright.

For dinner, jbadger, rukario71, and I went for a little group dinner at nearby Cromwell Diner. I had fish and chips. Do I eat a lot of fish or something? :) Dessert was taken care of later. When we returned to the hotel, we went to Cake-Con and Pie-Con, two room parties with guess what? Cake and pie. Later in the evening, I got into the otter fursuit again and went to the dance for a bit. Also watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the pool area -- just enough of it to get to the part where we did the Time Warp -- and schmoozed around in the hotel lobby and hallways. Quite a number of people asked for otter hugs. It appears to be an underserved market. :)

Geocaches on Friday:

Old East Burying Ground (Connecticut)
Call Me Trimtab (Connecticut)
Eggs and (Connecticut)
West Street? (Connecticut)
Center of the Universe (Connecticut)
In the Shadows of "Hidden Deep", Cache-cade series (Connecticut)
Down the Drain (Connecticut)
Stew's Place (Connecticut)
Aloha! (Connecticut)
My Favorite Saturday Night Hangout (Connecticut)

Geocaches on Saturday:

JW-84 Spew pew pew # 24 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 23 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 22 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 21 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 20 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 19 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 14 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 18 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 17 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 16 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 15 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 13 (Connecticut)
Rocky Hill River View (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 12 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 6 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 11 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew # 5 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew #3 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew #2 (Connecticut)
JW-84 Spew pew pew #1 (Connecticut)
Zone 5 (Connecticut)

hometown buffet, cromwell diner, denny's, fursuiting, geocaching, furrfright

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