Sunny, 75-80°F. I noticed a sinkhole in the front yard where utility workers did the gas pipeline dig and refill. The soil probably got a bit more compacted after the rain and dry-off. I was about to go and get some mulch to fill the hole myself when utility workers came by with a load of dirt and did the job. Oh well. I still had one more errand though and that was to take yesterday's yard waste to the collection site. Since I never let a good errand run go to waste, I went for
The Oak Way geocache while I was in the area. It was a short walk in the woods, rumored to be muddy but wasn't that bad this afternoon. I ran into Metazbad in the woods. He too is a long-time geocacher from the early days of this activity.
After that, I went to
Humm Over Here, which was off the back edge of an office building parking lot. Then I took a break to shop at Harbor Freight and get another reusable yard bag. It's useful for yard waste. While there, I inquired about the free items and they had both scissors and flashlight in stock today! So I went there for one item (and got a 20% discount on that) and left with three items, two of which were free. I wonder how this store makes money. :)
Last geocache of the day was
YoUDee's Hotspring, near a creek that supposedly remains warm throughout the year. This geocache has had problems in the past but today, it was pretty easy to find.