Furfright Day 3

Oct 18, 2009 22:02

Woke up a bit late today, so after a quick breakfast in the hotel room, I changed into the husky fursuit and went to the fursuit games. There were 3 teams and we played scooter race, clippy, catch the dragon's tail, charades, and musical chairs. After the games, I went over to the charity auction room to check my raffle ticket (the complimentary ticket that came in my registration packet) and found that I had won a Fievel plush toy!

It was raining, so no geocaching this afternoon. jbadger and I went to Singo Sushi for a late lunch. I had a Meriden roll, which is an unusual stir fry on top of sushi.

Went back to the hotel. Fursuited for a while and then went to the Closing Ceremony. Attendance this year was 979 and we raised over $6000 for charity. A little later, there was a second fursuit parade. It started in the headless lounge and went around the atrium. No outdoor photoshoot this time. The parade just ended at the Dead Dog Party in the ballroom.

convention, furry, fursuiting, singo sushi, furfright

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