Sunny. 52°F. The one errand I had to do this afternoon was to pick up the police report from River Edge PD. Went for a geocache along the way, of course. This time, it was
Caching Vs Shopping - Paramus, NJ at Bergen Towne Center. Too easy. I saw a geocacher returning the cache to the cache site so I didn't have to search at all. This part of Bergen Towne Center appears to be a new extension to the decaying Bergen Mall. I must confess that I haven't been to Bergen Mall in years so I had no idea they were rebuilding the area.
After that, I went to the River Edge municipal building. I'd called earlier so they already had a copy of the report ready. It is pretty straightforward: just gives all the standard info and states that my car got struck in the rear while stopped in traffic. Of course, since the Chinese supermarket was a few blocks from the police, I got
a 3-item takeout for lunch.
Added revisions
r37 thru r40 to TwitVim today. These changes add a stack of saved buffers to the client so I can recall previous Twitter queries without hitting the Twitter API. I've wanted this feature for a long time since I use the TwitVim goto feature to surf @user references and #hashtags, and it was rather inconvenient not being able to go back if I hit a dead end. Anyway, I'll use it myself for a while until I'm sure there are no serious bugs and then package it as a new version 0.4 release.