Hillburn and the flat

Aug 29, 2008 23:38

Overnight, the left rear tire mysteriously lost most of its air. It wasn't completely flat but it looked a bit pancake-like. I couldn't find the leak so I just pumped it up with a hand pump. In the afternoon, that tire still looked okay so I went to Hillburn for the Frog got your Cache? geocache. It is a 3-part multicache and all 3 parts are located in Veteran's Memorial Park.

Even though Hillburn isn't that far from home, I've never been there because I never had a reason to go there until today. It is a small community cut off from the rest of the suburban sprawl by hills and highways. Almost all of the town is bounded by Route 17 and I-87. Once I got there, I parked on a residential street near the first stage. I didn't find the first stage though. It's supposed to be 40 feet from this monument but I didn't see anything likely within that range. But it was a small park so I figured I'd just walk around and look for the second stage. The hint narrowed it down to just two possible locations and so I did find that. And the final stage was easy. My concern over the final stage is it looked like grass and dirt had been dug up to place the container in a shallow hole in the ground. That would go against the guidelines so I hope the hole was already there before.

From thefridayfive:

How many times a day do you...

1. Brush your teeth?

2. Shower?

3. Check your E-mail?
It's just up all the time in its own Mozilla Prism window.

4. Check LJ?
4-5 times.

5. Eat?
4 times, including the after-midnight snack.

From Friday5.org:

1. What was the last song that stuck in your brain and wouldn't go away?
Any suggestions?

2. What's something that sticks around long after you wish it would leave?
I remember when I spilled glue on the kitchen floor. That took a while to get rid of.

3. To what use did you put your last sticky note?
Left a note on the monitor saying that I was going to the Post Office and to send help if I did not return.

4. When did you last have Pixy Stix?
I've never had that.

5. What is something you are a stickler for?
Answering Friday Five. (well, okay, not really)

hillburn, friday five, tire, geocaching

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