Nov 19, 2010 22:30
My writing suffers from misplaced emphasism. Emphasism persists subjectively and symbiotically with the reader's perspective, yet it is created regardless as a side effect of language. It lies in the rules of subject, given leniency to where it is placed, how it is eluded to, how it is teased out from the front of the sentence or the end. Tagged with the verbose or stated bluntly.
Just now having peeled back the difference between the emphatic and the melodramatic, I still don't yet know how to distinguish the mechanics. It is independent from exclamation and hard to mark.
Ahhh, melodrama. I consider it a waste product of verbal anachronism. I like to think of the young poet as an equivalent to the neck bearded renfest squire drunk on energy drink and itching from cheap flocking.