Pregnancy and night shifts = no social life!

Jan 20, 2007 20:14

I'd love to go to Inquo tonight but Dave is working as usual from 10.30pm to 6.30am tomorrow morning and it's too far to travel on my own, plus I'm so exhausted after work when I get in that all I want to do is to sleep at the moment. I'm missing seeing everyone so roll on when Dave manages to find a job working in the day and we can come along again. The only good thing about this job is it's more money than signing on for him but the hassle level is pretty high.

We did go out yesterday and met up with a bunch of friends for a belated celebration of our news but by 10pm I was flagging so headed home and left Dave in town as he wanted to go to Face Off. Then again he didn't stay out that late and Mum gave him the front door key so he could let himself in. He's moving out of his place at the end of the month and will be staying here until we find a place of our own but still needs lifts to Morriston for work which is a pain.

On the baby front I am now 13 weeks pregnant and getting a more noticable bump each day. My morning sickness has finally passed although it seems to have been replaced with bouts of heartburn! I've had confirmation of my scan and it's not until the 30th which seems aaaaagggggeeeeesssss away but I am sure it will be here in no time. Ooh the excitement!!!
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