Fun weekend

Aug 23, 2006 16:10

Every August my friend Vicki holds Voksfest Wales in Margam Park near Port Talbot which is an aircooled and watercooled Volkswagen show that runs from the friday to the sunday. I always help out as the show has reached a side where it needs plenty of helpers which adds to the enjoyment of the show.

Friday is pretty quiet as everyone arrives through the day and the main event is the saturday and sunday. The most fun part is the Porthcawl crawl which is a cruise from the park to Colney Beach seafront with over 100 VWs in convoy one after the other and unlike the BVF cruise around Malvern the marshalls manage to keep all of the cars together probably to the annoyance of the other cars on the road! Unfortunately the weather was wet so I grabbed some food then headed back and sat in the car but it's still fun seeing the look on people's faces as we pass!

Saturday evening is the entertainment in the main tent and this year there was a band rather than the club members being roped in to be the entertainment. The fancy dress theme was famous and fabulous which meant you could go as anyone famous or get glammed up. I went as Lara Croft but kept my coat on as it was freezing and the outfit was tiny! I will sort the photos out from the weekend so everyone can see what I looked like too :)

The sunday was the show and shine and club stands and we had a competition on our stand to raise money for St John's Ambulance but we didn't win - a Seat club did. They're not even VWs - grr! By the time the show wound down I was knackered so was glad to head home, have a shower and head to Dave's as I missed him like mad over the weekend.

This week I have been doing crack of dawn starts as my boss is away until friday which sucks as I am not a morning person! Roll on the weekend when I can collapse in a heap to recover!

I trust everyone is well and will post another update when I am away from Dave's place which is rare! He's banned me from seeing him today as it's my friend Ryan's birthday and he recons I am neglecting my friends (not true!) so I will see him tomorrow instead :)
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