Once upon a time...

Oct 17, 2009 08:48

I recently commented on a fanfic, Dhamphir's "The Prophesy" -because I was pretty sure the title was misspelled. My comment was as follows:

"Is the title of this fanfic intentionally misspelled? I mean, it does have it's own Pet Sematary charm."

I commented it because - well, if the title of my fanfic was misspelled, I'd want to know.

These are the following two replies:

I don't have a better screenshot, unfortunately, but after my last comment she not only deleted the whole conversation, but she banned me from her LiveJournal as well.

...then she changed the title of her fic.

Is this my first, wholly unintentional, LJ drama? I was actually trying to be helpful, so it's a bit surprising.

So to all of you, or rather the two people who will actually read this - What the fuck?


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