(no subject)

Nov 25, 2008 19:01

29.1 - 13 wishes you've made.

1. He was older, sleek and dangerous and driving a car that probably cost more than everything she owned. He smiled and Angie was certain something in her broke and only he could fix it. Staring up at the night sky she closed her eyes as tight as she could. "Starlight, starbright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Taking a deep breath she barely whispered the name she'd heard the other girls at school sharing. "Adam Monroe."

2. His name was Arthur Petrelli and she had one task. Bring him into the group. Adam trusted her to do this for him, no matter what it took and Angie stared up at the sky and wished as hard as she might that she could make Adam proud of her.

3. He was strong, so strong. Even without the ability that left her breathless with the implication, he was a dynamic man that left he trembling and Angie wished he actually could fall in love with her.

4. The cramps were mild but evident and the spotting had been going on for two days. Two days and the doctors had told her to accept it might be over but Angela had a few hopes left and she was willing to use up every wish to ensure her first child wasn't lost.

5. He was big, sturdy and Angela wasn't certain no body, no human body, was made for this. She wanted to be out like a light. She wanted to be done. She wished he'd be born already.

6. It was over. Kaito had made his stand and none had opposed him. Some, like Arthur and Daniel, had made that choice due to their own agendas. Others, like Angela, because she hadn't felt she had support in it all. Victoria's hand rubbed lightly at her back. "I wish they'd locked me up with him,' she whispered, feeling her friends arms tighten around her.

7. Smaller than Nathan had been but there was two of them and Angela swore she was never, ever going to do this again. Not when she had only one thought. Please, Dear God, I wish I was unconscious.

8. Murderous. Dangerous and violent. The dream had shown it all. Night and day, dark and light. She loved them both but she knew it couldn't be and as she watched them take Gabriel away, Angela wished one day he'd be better and could come home.

9. Angela stared into Daniel's eyes as she gave him the okay to heal her mind, and she wished beyond all else that he was wrong.

10. So many pieces, a puzzle of a million pieces and all it took was one piece to be missing for it to all fall apart. Angela just wished Kirby Plaza was over.

11. Nathan was asleep, the painkillers kicking in, and Peter was missing. Gabriel was with the Company, somewhere, and they wouldn't tell her where. Arthur and Daniel were gone and Adam had escaped. Angela stood by Nathan's bed and wished for it to all be over.

12. Hiro had gone for him and never come back. He was gone and she couldn't find him, not locked in her own head by Arthur's mind, not when she was free and seeking a single dream to show her where he was. Closing her eyes, Angela wished once more she might see where Adam was.

13. The eclipse was coming and it was now or never. They would want Claire, the catalyst and Angela wasn't certain even a father's love could keep her safe. If Arthur got Claire, it was over and Angela wished she could get a single clear vision of how it was all going to end.
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