Random fic

Nov 06, 2008 13:28

[Backstory, no spoilers and from my own imagination. Not binding on any muses]

Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Angie and Vicki
Warning: Uhmmm, per Cristine Rose's belief, Angie tends to be a bit of a slut so deal with it.
Also, not so much porn as just sadness.

"Stop squirming!"

Angela laughed then. Whether at Victoria's soft, hushed tones or at the words themselves was unclear but she couldn't hold back the soft giggle. Covering her mouth with her hand, she still couldn't stop the sound. Victoria decided to stop that by pulling away her friend's hand and kissing her. It started as a small tease, just enough to distract Angie, but it turned into something deep and needy.

It always amazed Angela how different it was kissing Victoria over the others. Not that any two kisses were the same. Adam kissed like what he was, a man that had forever. He could turn a single kiss into an hour long moment as if the world had come to a standstill. Arthur's kisses were always about control, a subtle threat buried beneath sensuality. Daniel kissed her like she was a precious thing though she knew he only saw her that way because she was Arthur's.

All kisses were different, unique to the people kissing. Kissing Victoria went beyond that. There was never a feeling that she was seeking more from the kiss, never a moment when Angela wondered what she was thinking about or planning. When they kissed it was just between them, for them, without subterfuge or secrets. Except the very secret that they were kissing. It always amazed her how Arthur could accept Angela's affairs with two of his friends, yet he was threatened by Vicki. Amazed her but didn't surprise her.

Angela loved Arthur. She was in love with Adam. Daniel and Kaito were delightful distractions whom she cared for. Should Arthur ever demand she choose, society be damned, she would ask Vicki to leave with her. Even now, pressed between the wall and the slight form of her friend, Angela considered asking Victoria to leave with her. They could take what they could care and run, run until the company and the boys and the virus was long behind them. They could run until they found a place where they could be together, and be themselves and kiss like this every moment of every day until the world disappeared and they were all that remained. It was the perfect dream, the ideal that kept her going even beyond the pain and the threats and the fear.

'Angela, I'm leaving."

The words pierced through not only Angela's thoughts but her heart.

"Victoria, please..."

"I can't stay here, Angie. I need... I can't stay here. Promise me you won't follow me." She kissed Angela again, soft and tender and with more love than passion. "He'd kill us both and... and I couldn't live knowing I was why you died. Please, let me go."

Angela could deny Victoria nothing and this would not be the first. Not even if it meant so much within her dying that day, changing, a new woman born from the ashes of love lost.
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