travelled byways again but this time i'll go to sleep
sejus brigantine was a time
nostalgia will help nothing but will maybe keep my boner while i'm jerking off
unfortunately a lot of cool is gone
so new stuff has to go into the vacuum
i talked to temp people today and had to pee so much that i was a half millisecond away from steam pissing out my nostrils and eyes.
tim the german came over and he's here for the week and that'll be cool.
we made a fire in the outside stove grill thing but we got too nuts to go and get grilling foods but really veeber drove me to the liquor store and i got a bottle for ash cause we already had stuff, i just wanted to ride around
the music in his car cuts out and it's got to be the worst thing for his commute
who wants to scan a nilliob of half-tried pics so that i can slide into the last second of application time for escapism at another school
maybe it'll be the fall following or something, after building some bank
it'd have cool things, right, but cool things can be accomplished by working hard too, and the last starfighter and i bought in already. the pool will be deep and frankly i'll be hurting on sunday september 12 from hanging correctly the night before surrounded by a whole sea of lcl.
besides excessive lj j/o last night i read anything else i could about eva and stuck deep into this again
fly me to the moon isn't as attached this time cause it's nothe series i'm dealing with
this works just fine
this is a link to something that i'll be spending time on soon, worthwhile or not i'll soon find out not link
this would be the link
take this it's dangerous out there had to look up link html because it has been 500000000000000000 ages and i've become moar lazy than previously thought possible
ash made pasta tonight and we capitalized as hell on it. twice
stole music from markle's share drive, got into a small loop, but derailed in a few turnes
shouldn't stay up so late but
noh fuck
noh well
don't give in just make it so that it's yours
we know what's next when steps go down and up