While neither James or I are very passionate about Valentines day (Especially because of last year... the HORROR!), we do still take the time to enjoy being together. Although we try to enjoy every moment instead of just one day a year. Presents and special dinners year round! But, either way we still do the special night out.
The day before, we went out to dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant. We're both on a perpetual diet, so Italian food is always a really nice splurge. Lovely though! You know, I even forgot what I had because I've been so busy. Pasta and cheese! What else is there? We then went out to find each other a little gift. I admit, I've always wanted to do Build-a-bear, but they never have anything I like! We stopped in, and they had a cute white teddy with light blue undertones. (Maybe one day, they'll come out with a black cat or something.) James let me get one and then get a little shirt and shoes for it. The bear was then dubbed Toki! Named after my favorite Metalocalypse character. (Brutal!)
This is what we bought for him. Little sunglasses, shirt, and shoes.
When I got home though, the urge to use my sewing machine kicked in and I just had a blast making little mini clothes! Good practice, in case I do some full scale clothing stuff again soon. It has been a while, so the practice (even though it was on a small scale) was quite nice. I get so impatient, and tend to rush when I get sewing. I'm far from neat and tidy when doing that stuff.
I love my sewing machine! I made pajama tops and bottoms (using my old pajama pants), fishnet shirt, pants, jacket, and a kimono! The kimono is my favorite. I took the simple path on that, because I wasn't up for trying to make hakamas.
Pajamas! Fishnet and jeans! Jacket! Kimono! I got James two Japanese film sets. Baian the Assassin, and the first four original movies of Zatoichi, the blind swordsman. (Which I love!) On Valentines day, we just hung around at home and relaxed.
In other news, I think I've seen the new Fairly Oddparents movie five times by now, and my eldest brothers birthday was Wednesday. The party is tomorrow, and I got him a coffee grinder and some expensive coffee. I really.. really want to steal that coffee and have some. It smells fantastic, and if it wasn't ten at night, I'd go make myself a big pot of some of the special coffee I have. Maybe it would warm me up, because it's still freezing down here! Almost 10:30, and I'm exhausted! Been up since 6am, so probably time to sleep.