another day another hairball

Apr 16, 2004 07:18

I hate hairballs. I have two cats that are shedding. Do the math. I think that Dickens (aka Fat Bastard) purposefully waits to hack up the wretched things until I get out of bed and can step on the newest slimey 'gift'. My life is spent cleaning cat vomit stains off of my beige carpeting.

Beige, you may ask yourself 'Why get beige', trust me it wasn't so that I could spot the huge black hairballs easier.

So with all these stains, all naturally occuring, why the hell can I not find a fucking product that will get them all the way out. My carpet is starting to look like a splotchy tan job. Martha Stewart is of no help, she can make butter and grease stains disappear into thin air but clearly she just buys new carpet when it comes time for animal stains.

I knew we should have stuck with hardwood.
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