Where you can "stick" it.

Nov 09, 2005 01:20

There's alot of talk about torture these days. Some people don't like it because they feel that it goes against everything America stands for. Others are for it because they are the Vice President. Or they are friends with him. Like Orin Hatch. Man. I don't really want to get too far into this, because it has nothing to do with anything, but seriously, that guy's a dick.
Now I started writing my political opinions down because I didn't feel like anyone was expressing them. Thus far, things have been fine. But now, we are treading into waters where I kind of get why people don't agree with me. I can't really stand up for this opinion too much, but they are my opinion, and I would be full of shit if I said they weren't.
Here goes:
If we are trying to get information out of a prisoner, torture isn't only immoral, it's stupid. At best, it is as effectual as our current means of interrogation. However, if you are guilty of a certain level of crime, like crimes against humanity, like gassing thousands of people or having rape rooms, I say you're fair game.
In fact, torture is the only thing I can think of as far as Saddam goes that would even come close to justice. Soon, Augusto Pinochet is going to die. In his bed. Because he's old. Am I the only one who would rather shove a thirty foot spike up his ass and let it slowly work itself to his brain? Once you cross a certain line, you're across that fucking line. You do not deserve the treatment that the rest of us get!
See, there should be an international court somewhere. And if you are a crazy tyrant, and we get our mitts on you, guess what? You're going to Grimbo Court (also, we should call it Grimbo court since I came up with it), and you get to fight for your rights. If you win, you get a nice little lethal injection. Good for you. But if you loose, you have no more rights. At all. Sucks to be you.
Then we kill you. But we can be creative about it. That's another benefit. The people whose job it will be to come up with these innovative means of killing would clearly end up being crazy murderers if such a position didn't exist, which it doesn't. (For the record, the pole up the ass thing was Vlad Tepes, AKA Vlad the Impaler, AKA Son of Dracul, or Dracula. In any case, it wasn't me.) So let me be very clear on this. I am against torture. It is a horrible practice. Except when it comes to crazy tyrants like Saddam and Pinochet.

Oh, and Henry Kissinger.
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