XIX - News from home

Jun 04, 2008 13:53

Its official... my baby is dead. And I don't think she'll be coming back this time. Jacob's not even here to take a look at her... I doubt he would if he was here anyways.... I just want him to come home... its been so long already...

Of course, Edward took advantage of my baby's death to buy me a new car. He finally talked me into it... and I think I'm about to go insane with this thing. This thing hasn't even been released in the US yet... I don't want to know how much money the Cullens have. It scares me. Like the fact that he also gave me a credit card that seems to have no limit...

Can you say 'conspicuous'? People keep staring at me as I drive! I'm going insane....

Not to mention the Ivy League college I got accepted to... I really don't need all of this. I wish he would stop with it, really...

jacob come home, college is not needed, new car, i miss my baby, edward

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