OOC: 20 things, cause you know you love Bella~

Feb 15, 2008 20:44

Hehe... I do this stuff when I'm bored out of my skull. Someone entertain me! =P

1. Bella is 18, and she's bound and determined to stay 18 forever.

2. Her real name is Isabella, but the quickest way to get on her bad side is to call her that, probably why she hasn't told anyone this.

3. Her parents are divorced and her mother is very flighty.

4. Bella used to take care of her mother before her 2nd marriage, mostly in an emotional sort of way.

5. Edward is the love of Bella's.... eternity? Cause she plans to live forever.

6. Alice is her sister. No matter what~

7. Jacob is her best friend... she just wishes things hadn't changed between them

8. Debitt is her best online friend. She loves that guy!

9. Bella loathes Bakura. She would be happy if he just didn't exist... ever.

10. Bella's never wanted children, and she won't ever be able to have any, but if she ever had wanted some of her own, she would be proud to have a son that was as sweet and innocent as Ryou.

11. Three people want to kill her now. Jane, cause she hates Bella for canon reasons (like her powers don't work on her and such), Bakura cause they argue all the time and he doesn't like Bella being close to Ryou, and Karin cause the V-day date with Sasuke. Bella doesn't care about any of them.

12. Bella is engaged, very happily.

13. She really doesn't want a big wedding... but she's doing it for Alice and her parents and friends.

14. She is the hugest klutz you will ever meet. If there is a crack in the ground, no matter how tiny, she will trip on it. If there is no crack and its a flat surface, she will trip over her own feet.

15. There is only one human experience Bella really wants to go through before being turned... it follows the wedding.....

16. She is a sucker for classic romances. Withered Heights, Romeo and Juliet, she loves them.

17. She talks in her sleep. Incessantly. If you ever want to hear a secret from her, or find out how she's doing, just listen in on her sleep. Though you'll have to ask her to decipher it in the morning.

18. Attacks on her mentality do not work. No mind-reading, no twisting her memories... just no touching her mind. Its her safety zone apparently.

19. Bella hates Italy now due to a coven of vampires who wouldn't mind seeing her dead.

20. It drives her crazy when her mortality is brought up. She hates knowing that she's one of the few that keeps aging, at least, the few in her circle of friends.

21. Her fiancée is a vampire, Jacob is a werewolf.

22. Her wedding is in August.

23. She graduated from High School already... doesn't plan on attending college for a long time if ever.

24. After the wedding, she's being turned.

ooc, 20 facts

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