2nd mem

Mar 07, 2010 19:55

[This memory isn't nearly as lucid as her first. It's more a string of several memories strung together, one very distinct, the others a montage of a month of memories Bella's forgotten entirely.

The first starts with Bella wondering around in the woods outside the Dark Order Headquarters, seemingly lost. She calls out faintly in the dark:] Hello?

[Out of nowhere two hands grab and pulled her close, masking her faint scream from the shock of it.] Don't make a sound, [Cross whispers to her.] Maria, cover us.

[The memory turns fuzzy a moment, moving through a various scenes of her and Cross sneaking through the castle. Sometimes flashes of General Nine training Bella inside the Headquarters appear, the two either talking or trying to teach Bella how to not be clumsy and have a little fighting skill in her.

Eventually the memory resurfaces with Cross and Bella in a small study. She's laying in his arms on the couch, his hand tilting her face towards him. It almost looks as though the two could be making out. With Cross, it could almost be true. With Bella, it obviously wasn't.] You're the new Exorcist, aren't you? You're delightful. [His voice drops the second time.] Did you see the Fat Man? Tyki? Anything?

[Briefly memories of Bella as a parrot and of Jasdero and Devit taking care of her on their world surface before it's back to them on the couch. Whatever she said before is lost as she drops her voice to answer the question.] No. I was doing my best to avoid the others. I don't want anything to do with them. I'm not your spy, Cross.

[Again the memory fades. There are sounds of pots breaking and Cross and Bella yelling at each other and at each other and at inspectors to leave them be. But the memory surfaces again at Cross' crucial question.] ... is it possible you're not human at all?

I know I'm not normal but... I don't have Innocence. [Bella sounds almost hesitant in that response. But it doesn't matter. The memory cuts out and fades in and out. Again there are scenes of her and Klaud, training. Of Bella in the Headquarters trying to get along with others. Of Bella as the new Exorcist in the place.]

[The second memory starts with Bella approaching a man outside a tall building, the Dark Order Headquarters. She doesn't hesitate at all as she approaches the stranger.] Ready? [She asks. She's wearing her blue prom dress, the only nice outfit she really owns.]

[The man throws back the cloak and it's not (or maybe it is) surprising to see Cross Marion decked out in a fancy suit offering his arm to her.] I've been ready. What took you so long?

[The events grow fuzzy once again, Cross taking Bella out on carriage. Cross taking them to a Brothel. A woman taking Bella in back as Cross enjoys the company of other women. A flash of Bella in a strange dress she's never seen in her life. Cross enters the scene to see the pair now.] You change ducklings to swans-- no pun intended Bella. [Cross says to the woman.]

That line was riddled with puns, Cross. [The memory grows dim again.

But when it resurfaces the pair are sitting in a box office, watching an opera. They're discussing their likes of the classics until the opera starts. As it does Cross leans close, translating every line for her, never failing until the second hour when he stops to order some champagne, his voice a little hoarse.]

Thank you for translating it for me. It's very nice to understand. [Bella says as they wait for the champagne.]

Don't bother. The first time I saw this opera I didn't speak Italian so my companion and I made up words for them.

I'm sure you two came up with many interesting things...

[And at that the memories begin to grow dim again until the scenes of Bella's training trail off entirely.]

[[ooc: Memories are from Bella's first time at DDD. References: Mem 1: here , Mem 2: here. Cross used with Setine's permission.]]

cross, dark order, memory lane virus, klaud, tyki

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